Monday 16 May 2011

Wednesday 9 February 2011



WRAP MAGAZINE wanted a drawing based on animals. So i give 'em one den' I?
They print on recycled paper and when your done a' readin' you can wrap your presents with it.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Drawings for Common People






A few photos of the exhibition at Common. Some of the new ones are too big for my poxy scanner so these photos are the only evidence of them existing in the wild.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Nib happy!

Here's proof that i'v done some new artworks!
I'v just attached 15 of them to a wall in Manchester for people to gawp at. If you wanna see 'em you can go to Common in the Northern Quarter in Manchester. Then you can buy some so i can afford to eat and drink every day. How 'bout that?


Wednesday 5 January 2011

Oh, go on then... Just a nibble

Long time no typey, fools.
Well i'm putting on an exhibition of my drawings in Common bar, Manchester at the end of the month.
Not sure how long its gonna be up... i'm thinking possibly a month or two.
Anywyay thats the reason i haven't posted in ages, not than anybody's actually even reading it.
At least 'the internet' knows what i'm up to.
Here's a little sneeeeaky peaaaaky look at some of the content. This is the worst one, so i don't spoil it for everyone.